Minister Eva Lawler
Eva Lawler, the Member for Drysdale, was elected to Parliament in the August 2016 Northern Territory election and was appointed as the Northern Territory Labor Government’s Minister for Education. In June 2018, following a change of portfolios, Eva was appointed as Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and Minister for Environment and Natural Resources.
Eva was born in Darwin and completed a Bachelor of Education at the then Darwin Community College before beginning her career as an educator. She then gained a Masters in Education, a Masters in International Management, a Diploma in Project Management and an Associate Diploma in Public Service Management.
Eva started her career as a teacher in the 1980's. Eva worked in a number of schools in the Darwin and rural area as a teacher, Assistant Principal, and a Principal over a period of fifteen years. She then worked in curriculum development and in delivering professional learning to educators. Eva was also an executive in Education in Alice Springs and in Darwin and was the Deputy Chief Executive School Education for the Territory.
Eva has also worked in Event Management in Sport in the Territory for three years, working in partnership with peak sporting bodies to deliver top quality sporting events for Territorians. Eva believes strongly in the benefits of a ‘home grown’ workforce of Territorians being educated in the Northern Territory and using their knowledge, skills and experience to benefit their community.
Eva is married to Tom Lawler and has two adult children, a daughter and a son and is now a grandmother to two grandsons.
Dr. Geoff Raby
Geoff Raby & Associates
Chairman & CEO
Dr. Geoff Raby was Australia’s Ambassador to China from 2007 to 2011. Following completion of his Ambassadorial term, after 27 years in the public service, mostly with DFAT, he resigned to establish Geoff Raby and Associates Ltd.
Dr. Raby also holds a number of non-executive, independent director positions with ASX-listed companies, i.e. OceanaGold , Yancoal and iSentia. Dr. Raby was appointed to the Investment Attraction South Australia Advisory Board on 29 March, 2016. In China, Dr. Raby serves as Co-Chair of Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s China practice.
He is head of Trade Policy at the London-based think-tank Policy Exchange.
Dr. Raby is a member of the non-for-profit Advance Global Advisory Board, University of Sydney’s China Studies Center Advisory Board, La Trobe University Asia Advisory Board, and the Foundation of the National Gallery of Victoria.
Mike Hughes
MD and CEO, WestSide Corporation
Vice President Landbridge Group
Managing Director Darwin Port
MA Mathematics, MAICD
Mike Hughes is Vice President of Landbridge Group with responsibility for the Australian and NZ operations of the Group. This includes WestSide Corporation’s oil and gas activities, Darwin Port and Landbridge’s other projects in Darwin.
Mike has over 25 years’ experience in the international energy and infrastructure sectors with a track record of building and operating successful onshore and offshore oil and gas businesses in South East Asia and Australia.
Mike spent 10 years living in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore and more recently gained invaluable Australian experience in Queensland’s emerging export CSG to LNG industry.
Mike has a Master of Mathematics from the University of Oxford.
The Hon Paul Henderson
Paul has an unparalleled grasp of business and politics in the Northern Territory. As Chief Minister from 2007-12 and as a senior minister from 2001, he dealt with a range of issues and challenges and helped put the Northern Territory on the path to sustainable economic growth.
As Chief Minister. he delivered the $34-billion lchthys LNG project for Darwin. This is the second largest investment in Australia’s history and the largest investment by any Japanese company outside of Japan.
Recognising economic prosperity must be translated into social benefits, Paul has a passionate commitment to the development of Northern Australia. He is equally focused on forging closer economic, social and cultural ties to our Asian region and retains close relations with many leaders across South-East Asia.
Paul provides unique insight to the private sector on the opportunities to unlock the value of Northern Australia in the Asian Century.
As the lead economic minister over three terms of Government. Paul provides strategic advice to businesses looking to invest in the most exciting region in Australia.
Alister Trier
Chief Executive
Department of Primary Industry and Resources
As Chief Executive, Alister’s vision is to see a flourishing Northern Territory economy underpinned by profitable and sustainable primary industries, fisheries and resources.
Alister’s early career includes strategic market and business development in the international trade and pastoral sectors across Northern Australia, the Middle East and South East Asia.
Alister joined the NTG in 2002 and was appointed to the position of Chief Executive of the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries in 2012, then Department of Primary Industry and Resources in September 2016. Alister continues to work closely with industry to lead the growth of the pastoral, horticulture, fishing, aquaculture and mines and energy sectors and to strongly contribute to North Australian development.
Quentin Kilian
Chief Executive Officer
Real Estate Institute of Northern Territory Inc.
Quentin moved to Darwin with his family in 1968 and following his school years commenced his radio announcing career which took him around Australia.
In 1991 Quentin re-married and moved to Hong Kong where he worked as Promotions Director for Star TV (with a daily coverage of 220 million households) and Secretary-General of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (AustCham). He also spent a year living in Singapore where he was General Manager of the Vision Four Television Network.
On returning to Australia Quentin took up the role of Regional Regulatory Manager with the US based satellite operator PanAmSat where he had coverage of some 43 countries across the Asia Pacific region, then spent over 6 years in senior roles with the Northern Territory Government including as Director International Trade and Asian Relations.
In August 2009 Quentin took over his current role as the Chief Executive Officer for the Real Estate Institute of the Northern Territory (REINT).
Quentin graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors in 2010, is a Fellow with the Australian Institute of Management, graduated from Australian National University in Migration Law in 2010 and in 2015 became a Certified International Property Specialist through the National Association of Realtors in the USA.
Mark HU
Mark Hu is currently a Partner for Pinsent Masons. He completed his undergraduate study in the area of engineering and went on his legal study in both common law and civil law jurisdiction. He had got the highest score (462/600) in Beijing area in the Chinese national bar exam in the year 2009 and is now a practising Chinese lawyer. He is admitted as a solicitor in
Mark is admitted as a Member of RICS through its senior professional route and becomes the youngest professional in China who is admitted to RICS through this route. Mark is also a member of CIArb and an expert of the experts' committee of MOFCOM's China International Engineering Consultants Association.
His main areas of practice include construction law, construction related dispute resolution and infrastructure project finance. He was a member of the revision panel of the standard construction contract enacted by Ministry of Construction of PRC. Mark has been the leader in his team in providing services for numerous high-value projects including the famous 4000km West-East Gas pipeline project, the Sino-Lao railway project and over 100 other EPC projects located in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America.
Tony Stubbin
Tony Stubbin commenced as the Chief Executive Officer of the LDC on 1 March 2017, prior to which he was the General Manager. Prior to commencing with the LDC, Tony was a Deputy Under Treasurer in the Northern Territory Department of Treasury & Finance with responsibility for the Economic Group; Corporate Support Group; Superannuation Office and the Northern Territory Treasury Corporation.
Tony joined Treasury in 1992 and has more than 30 years’ experience in various Territory and Commonwealth Government departments. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from the University of Wollongong and a Postgraduate Certificate in Management from the University of Southern Queensland.
Luke Bowen
General Manager
Northern Australian Development and Trade Division
Luke Bowen was raised on a Western Australian farm and studied agriculture at Curtin University. Early in his career he spent time working in the agriculture sector in Australia and Europe. Luke has worked as an executive in the building and construction industry and worked across Australia on land management and pastoral development on Indigenous land. Luke was the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association, the peak industry body representing the majority of the Northern Territory cattle industry. Luke is also a member of the Commonwealth Government’s Agriculture Industry Advisory Council. Luke is the General Manager of the Northern Australian Development and Trade division that includes the Office of Asian Engagement; Trade and Investment; Study NT; Strategic Defence; and Indigenous and Regional Economic Development. Under Luke’s guidance, the division is showcasing and marketing the Northern Territory to prospective investors interested in the development of Northern Australia alongside the regional provinces.
Michael Gunner
Chief Minister Australia's Northern Territory
Michael Gunner was born on 6 January 1976 in Alice Springs, Northern Territory. He did his junior schooling in Alice Springs and Tennant Creek. He attended high school in Darwin and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the Northern Territory University. He was first elected to the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly in August 2008, following the retirement of former Chief Minister Clare Martin. He was elected Leader of the Northern Territory Branch of the Australian Labor Party on 23 April 2015. As leader, Michael’s key approach is to seek a rational balance to policy development. This approach is also based on applying broadly-based principles of social equity. Michael's family has lived and worked in the Northern Territory since the 1930s. He has represented the Northern Territory in rugby union and at various times has played cricket and soccer in Alice Springs. Occasionally and as time permits, he plays for Waratahs Hockey Club in Darwin.
Mr Raymond Fan
Director, Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office
Representative to Australia & New Zealand
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
Mr Fan has been working for the Hong Kong Government since 1984 in posts covering district administration; civil service and private sector labour affairs; immigration policies; Port, Logistics and Maritime development; marine laws; environmental protection and conservation; policy research for strategic development; leisure services and sports development.
Mr Fan has extensive overseas representation experience for Hong Kong and was stationed in New York, USA from 1990-1993 and 1998-2002. He had also participated in and coordinated APEC Ministerial Meetings.
Steven Wang
Graduated in Sichuan International Studies University from 1991-1994, with Excellence and Honor in Tourism and Culture.
8 Years working in Sichuan China Youth Travel Service from 1994-2002, has gained rich experience in both Inbound Tourism and Outbound Tourism, as inbound operator, and Outbound Assistant Manager, and also tour leader travelling with tourists to South East Asian countries, Europe, South Africa, Australia and new Zealand.
Since 2002 to today, worked in Australian inbound tourism , First in AWL Travel and then followed by New Asia Pacific Travel as China Marketing Manager, Inbound Director , and Managing Director,
2009 Started Uluru Chinese Tour
2011.12-2013 .12 China Market Advisory Panel of Tourism Australia
2016 Started Darwin Chinese Tour, and opened Darwin Office
2017.11.11 Won Tourism Northern Territory's Brolga Awards in Specialised Tourism Services
The Hon John Brumby AO
The Hon John Brumby was the former Premier of Victoria (2007 – 2010) and has immense experience in public life serving for more than 10 years as Treasurer and then Premier of Victoria, 6 years as Leader of the Victorian Opposition and 7 years as Federal MHR for Bendigo during the period of the Hawke Government.
During his time as Treasurer and then Premier, Mr Brumby forged closer links with China and Hong Kong, releasing Victoria’s first ever China Strategy, visiting China on numerous occasions, opening new trade and investment offices in Nanjing and Shanghai and officially welcoming then Vice President Xi Jinping to Melbourne in 2010.
Mr Brumby is a regular visitor to China through his roles as Chairman of the Australia China Business Council, a Director of Huawei and Chairman of the Fred Hollows Foundation. Mr Brumby holds a number of appointments in both the business and not-for-profit sectors, including:
• Chairman of the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) Superannuation Fund;
• Chairman of Citywide Service Solutions Pty Ltd;
• Independent Director of Huawei Technologies (Australia) Pty Limited;
• Chairman of BioCurate Pty Ltd;
• Chairperson of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Trust;
• National President and Chairman of the Australia China Business Council;
• Chairman of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute; and
• Chairman of the Fred Hollows Foundation.
Mr Brumby is an Enterprise Professor at the University of Melbourne and in October 2015 released his book titled ‘The Long Haul – Lessons from Public Life’.
Mr Paroulakis
CEO of the Paspalis Group of Companies
In this role he has overarching responsibility of group commercial property development and management, facility services, the Darwin Innovation Hub and Paspalis Innovation Investment Fund.
Career milestones include establishing the Northern Territory’s first venture capital fund in 2018 and the Darwin Innovation Hub (DIH) which became the first national recipient of the Federal Incubator Support Program in 2017.
The DIH is a partnership between Paspalis, the Northern Territory Government and Charles Darwin University focusing on 2-way innovation and investment opportunities between the Asia Pacific and Northern Territory.
Mr Paroulakis is the NT State conveyor for the Australian Venture Capital Association Ltd and has held senior executive positions with the Northern Territory Government, Foundation Capital Innovation Investment Fund and Merrill Lynch International Bank Ltd (Singapore).
Mr Paroulakis is a DAAFF Champ supporting the economic development of community Art Centres as they strive for self-sustainability and an advocate of the China One Belt One Road initiative. Mr Paroulakis is a patron of the arts and an advocate of the China One Belt One Road initiative.
Ada Wang
Head of Business Development of Sinorbis
As Head of Business Development of Sinorbis, Ada is responsible for identify strategic opportunities, build key customer relationships, negotiate and close business deals and maintain extensive knowledge of current market trend and conditions.
Having worked and lived in both China and Australia, Ada has over 10 years’ experiences in international trade between the two countries, with a solid area of expertise in cross–border E-Commerce that she acquired through her experience at DHL and TOLL Group.
She is passionate about assisting businesses to develop their China entry strategy and managing execution process from digital marketing to cross-border ecommerce.
Ada holds a Master’s degree in International Business from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Commerce from Tianjin University of Commerce (China).
LI Zhonghang
Vice Chairman and Secretary General, Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC)
CEO, Tang West Market Group
- CEO of Tang West Market Group
- Member of Xi'an 14th and 15th People's Congress
- Vice president of the International Chamber of Commerce of Shaanxi Province
- Vice president of Shaanxi Province Tourist Attractions Association
- Vice president of Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Real Estate Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Li served in the Xi'an Institute of Politics, a military academy, as a researcher, a colonel, and an instructor of economics for graduate students before he became involved in the formation of Tang West Market Group. He participated in the planning and implementation of the large Tang West Market Complex, Tang West Market Museum, Silk Road Expo Park, Silk Road Cultural Street, and a number of influential projects in and out of Xi’an city.
Mr. Li has made tremendous contribution to the development of the cultural tradition in Xi'an City and Shaanxi Province. He has planned and organized a series of cultural promotional events including “Silk Road Tourism Cultural Heritage Exhibition” and “Tang West Market Spring Temple Fair” (a Chinese local gathering for the worship of the Chinese gods and immortals) for millions of local and overseas visitors since 2010. Mr. Li proposed and organized the Concert of One Silk Road & Two Cities”, connecting China with Italy, Spain and other Silk Road countries for a better cultural understanding.
Mr. Li has been honored “Shaanxi Top 10 Outstanding Economic Figure”, “Provincial Top 10 Outstanding Real Estate Leader”, “Shaanxi Top 10 Real Estate Figure of the Year”, “ Shaanxi Person of the Year”, and “Xi’an City MICE Industry Leader” over the years.
Yang Qingqing, Director of Research Cooperation Department at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY), Assistant Director of Global Governance Research Center at Renmin University of China (GGRC)
Miss Yang Qingqing holds the double bachelor degrees of Finance and French at Wuhan University in China, and Finance master at Rouen School of Management in France. She worked previously at Societe Generale Coprorate & Investment Banking in Paris. Currently she is in charge of the international academic cooperation in RDCY. She has organized four times the G20 Think Tank Summit, a series of bilateral and multilateral Belt and Road Initiative Think Tank Dialogues. She was the chief coordinator of T20 series activities for 2016 T20 under Chinese presidency, and deeply involved in some research projects with Chinese governments.
Dr Luca De Leonardis
Head for Australia and New Zealand, Invest Hong Kong
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Dr Luca De Leonardis is the Head for Australia and New Zealand at Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK), the Government Department responsible for attracting and facilitating foreign direct investment into Hong Kong.
With senior management experience in both the private and public sectors, Dr De Leonardis’s work experience combines international marketing, economic and business development and investment promotion.
Prior to joining InvestHK, Dr De Leonardis spent five years as Deputy CEO of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Australia. He also worked in New Zealand, Canada and South Africa for private companies and trade organizations and in Brisbane as Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Griffith University.
Dr De Leonardis holds a Ph.D. In Economics, a Master in Management & Strategy and a Master in International Trade from Bologna University and two advanced diplomas in Business and Management and Economics.
Mr Rod Applegate, Deputy Chief Executive, Mines and Energy,
Department of Primary Industry and Resources
Rod joined the Department of Primary Industry and Resources in September 2016 and, as Deputy Chief Executive, is responsible for the Mines and Energy activities of the agency. Over the past six years, Rod has also enjoyed roles as the Chief Executive of the Departments of Lands, Planning and the Environment, and Land Resource Management.
He has extensive experience in land and water resource management; strategic planning; regulation of development, building and transport; and major projects facilitation. He has strong skills in negotiation, as well as policy analysis and formulation.
Rod is a graduate of the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours 2A); has a Post Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management; a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (Executive) from Mt Eliza Business School; is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a graduate of ANZSOG’s Executive Fellows Program.
Laurie Walker
Chief Executive Officer, NAIF
Laurie Walker was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) in October 2016. NAIF is a Commonwealth Government $5 billion lending facility, established 1 July 2016. Its vision is to contribute to transforming northern Australia through financing infrastructure development so as to encourage and complement private sector investment in northern Australia.
NAIF is a ‘market gap’ financier established to provide loans (which may be concessional) to infrastructure projects that are viable in the long term, but which, without NAIF, would be unlikely to proceed, or would only proceed at a much later date or with a more limited scope. NAIF’s focus on public benefit and growth, and encouraging private sector and Indigenous involvement in northern Australia, are key differentiators from other lenders.
Laurie has extensive and varied experience in banking and law including public and private sector financing of infrastructure such as airports, roads, rail, schools and hospitals. Laurie has held leadership roles as an Executive Director, Institutional Loans and Specialised Finance at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) and as General Manager and Chief Operating Officer in the Institutional Banking and Markets, Corporate Finance division of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). She has also worked in Hambros Australia’s financial advisory unit and as a finance lawyer at Allen Allen & Hemsley. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Laws (Honours) and Master of Laws (Honours) both from the University of Sydney.
Barry Coulter
Director NAIF (Northern Territory)
Mr Coulter is a former member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, serving for 16 years. During this time he served as Deputy Chief Minister and in a range of portfolios in the Northern Territory Government, including as Treasurer. One significant achievement during this time was the Alice Springs to Darwin Railway Project, spearheaded by Mr Coulter.
He has over 35 years’ experience in the infrastructure sector, currently serving as a director of Northern Territory Airports Pty Ltd, and was previously Chairman of Darwin Port Authority, Chairman of Airnorth and Executive Chairman of Sherwin Iron Ore Limited.
Scott Lovett
Scott Lovett is the General Manager – Industry Development for Tourism NT. Working as part of the Department of Tourism and Culture, he leads a multi-disciplinary team heading investment attraction, aviation, destination planning, research and enterprise development across the NT. A passionate advocate for regional development, Scott has also held senior roles within the Department of the Chief Minister and Department of Trade, Business and Innovation.
Prior to joining the public sector Scott held senior roles in Convention Centres, Stadia, Event Production Houses and Hotels across Australia. He is a current board member of the NT Major Events Company, the statutory company responsible for delivering some of the NT’s best known and loved events. He is also a past board member at Desert Knowledge Australia, the Australian Association of Convention Bureaux and Meetings Events Australia.
Scott was raised in regional Queensland and Adelaide from where he holds formal qualifications in Tourism and Hospitality from the globally renowned Regency Hotel School.
Proffessor Jason Zheng
Chairman of Richlink Asset management Group
A well-respected industry leader in private equity investment and Family Office services in China. In his more than 20 years’ experience in the investment industry, he has successfully invested in a number of companies and exited through IPOs, and has successfully raised and managed several private equity and real estate funds, Jason also holds positions such as the Deputy Head of China Real Estate Association and Vice Chairman of the Zongguanchun HighTech Zone Venture Capital and Private Equity Association(ZVCA).
Jason is a visiting professor of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Macquarie University. He has been giving lectures to the executive classes and has taught over 50,000 business owners who possess substantial personal wealth, strong relationship with local governments, local businessmen, as well as deep industry expertise. Jason received his MBA from Leeds Business School in UK. He holds the equivalent Chinese accreditation of a qualification of CPA, he worked in Ministry of finance of China more 10 years.
Maggie Zhou
Managing Director
Australia and New Zealand
Alibaba Group
Maggie Zhou was appointed Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand in March 2016 for Alibaba Group. As one of the key veterans of the company, Maggie has witnessed major company developments as Alibaba expanded its businesses outside of China and developed Mainland China’s e-commerce market. In her current role, as part of the company’s globalisation strategy, Maggie is responsible for establishing a local presence for Alibaba in Australia and New Zealand to further develop infrastructure and help local merchants enter the vast China consumer market.
Prior to this role, Maggie worked closely with the Australia and New Zealand business development team on Tmall Global, a cross-border B2C business platform for Tmall, and was in charge of overall government and public affairs for the platform. She has worked closely with the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), showcasing the value of the China e-commerce market to Australian brands and businesses. In Maggie’s earlier days with Alibaba, she helped the Group establish Taobao Marketplace in 2003 as one of the nine founders of the C2C platform, and served as Executive Assistant to Jack Ma, the founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba, for almost five years. Maggie joined Alibaba in early 2000 as one of the veteran employees of the company. In 2017, Maggie was appointed a Business Ambassador by the State Government of Victoria.
Maggie has been a key contributor to Alibaba Group’s strategy to internationalise its business and its mission – to make it easy to do business anywhere.
Michael Tennant
CEO of the Department of Trade, Business and Innovation (DTBI)
Australia’s Northern Territory
With a vision for a strong vibrant economy for all Territorians, the Department's mission is to drive private investment and create jobs through:
1. Connecting business and government across industries and regions
2. Fostering a culture of innovation in the Territory
3. Creating a pipeline of investment
4. Growing local capacity
5. Excellence in its own business.
In December 2017, Michael was appointed Acting CEO of the Department of Tourism and Culture while a recruitment process was undertaken for an ongoing CEO. He performed both CEO roles concurrently until June 2018.
Michael chairs a committee of NT Public Sector CEOs comprising agencies with key economic development roles. The Committee coordinates cross agency economic development related strategy, initiatives, projects and services as well as ongoing advice to Government. Michael is also Secretary to the Cabinet Jobs Standing Committee, which includes Ministers with economic development related portfolios.
Michael was also the CEO of the former Department of Business since October 2014. Michael was previously Deputy CEO of the NT Department of the Chief Minister (DCM) from June 2013.
Patrick Underwood
Managing Director, North Australian Cattle Company
Patrick joined NACC in December 2013 with an extensive pedigree in the Northern cattle industry after the sale of the Underwood family’s Riveren and Inverway stations. He previously served as CEO of the Northern Territory Livestock Exporters Association (NTLEA) and Manager of Livestock Services for MLA Live Export Program in Asia and Australia. Patrick was named the livestock industry’s Young Achiever of the Year in 2003. As Managing Director, Patrick is responsible for sales and procurement, ensuring the business consistently delivers high-quality animals to meet the needs of overseas customers.
NACC exports approximately 130,000 cattle a year to Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam and has recently been at the forefront in opening the China slaughter market; including the first ever shipment in early 2017 and the first shipment from northern Australia in January 2018. A further 8 China shipments are to be delivered in the last 5 months of 2018.
NACC has offices in Adelaide, Hanoi and Shanghai on a truly international business stage. However, the original office remains in Cullen Bay where it has been for 20 years, and NACC remains a proud member of the NT cattle community.
Ms Cheng Lei
Ms Cheng Lei is the anchor for the “Global Business” show on CGTN-China Global Television Network.
Prior to re-joining CCTV-News in 2013, Lei was the China Correspondent for CNBC for nine years, based in Shanghai and Singapore.
Lei has interviewed an array of political and business leaders, including Bill Gates, Jack Ma, and over 100 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
Lei’s career in journalism began in Beijing at CCTV's English channel in 2003. She also spent a year in Shandong province on a sino-Australian logistics joint venture. Lei started out in finance and worked for five years with Cadbury Schweppes and ExxonMobil in Melbourne. She is a Certified Practising Accountant.
Ms Cheng is also an accredited translator between Chinese and English. Lei was born in China but became an Australian citizen. She was named the Australian Global Alumni Ambassador in 2016.
Mr. Fu Zhuoyang
Born in 1959, Longyan, Fujian Province. Majored in Chinese Language and Literature at Xiamen University for Bachelor of Arts. He began to work in 1976, and was appointed to the Director of the Comprehensive Affairs Division of China National Tourism Administration and General Manager of China Tourism Business Service Corporation. He has been Deputy General Manager of China National Travel Service Group Corporation Limited since April 2010. He is also the Chairman of China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Limited(HK.308) and the Chairman of Hong Kong China Travel (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
* On August 3, 2017, China Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation was renamed as China Travel Service Group Corporation.
Liu Andong, President, Sinosteel Group Corporation Ltd.
Liu Andong is the current President of Sinosteel Group Corporation Limited (abbreviated as Sinosteel Group). Liu started his career in Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China in August 1985 after graduation from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law where he majored in study of Public Finance. Later he got his master’s degree in UT Arlington. Liu joined Sinosteel in 1993, and he held various positions in Sinosteel, including Manager and Vice General Manager of Finance Dept. in China Iron & Ore Trade & Industry Company (the predecessor of Sinosteel), and General Manager of Finance Dept.. In 2005 Liu became senior executive and Chief Accountant of Sinosteel Group. And in 2008 Sinosteel Corporation Limited was established under need.
Wang Hao
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily
Born in April, 1965, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province; Graduated from the English Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University, with a bachelor's degree in English language and literature; Graduated from the Journalism Department of the Postgraduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, with a master's degree in journalism; From 1990 to 2011, worked in China Daily as a reporter and copy-editor in the International News Department; worked as Copy Desk chief In 2006, became a member of the editorial board in charge of human resources; From 2011, appointed deputy editor-in-chief of China Daily; now in charge of new media and media convergence; Married and have a son studying and to be graduated in an Australian University.
Yin Zonghua
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Vice Chairman
Dr. Yin Zonghua was born in August 1964 in Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and gained his doctoral degree in Economics from the Nankai University.
He started his career in August 1984 and worked successively with the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs of MOFTEC.
After that, Mr. Yin was appointed successively as Deputy Director and Director of the Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs of MOFTEC, Deputy Director-General (DDG-level) of the China international Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE), Deputy Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade of MOFTEC and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), and Deputy Director-General of the Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs of MOFCOM.
Mr Yin was promoted to Minister Counselor of Economy and Commerce (DG-level) of China's Mission to the European Union in August 2006, and Director-General of the Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs of MOFCOM in May 2011. He was appointed as Director-General of the Department of WTO Affairs of MOFCOM and concurrently as Director-General of China WTO Notification and Inquiry Center.
In August 2014, Mr. Yin was appointed as Vice Chairman of CCPIT.
Mr Cheng Jingye
Cheng Jingye, male, born in October 1959, Master's degree
1985-1990 Attaché and Third Secretary, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
1990-1993 Third Secretary and Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
1993-2000 Second Secretary, Deputy Division Director, Division Director and Counselor, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, MFA
2000-2003 Deputy Director-General, Department of Arms Control, MFA
2003-2005 Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
2005-2007 Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Disarmament Affairs
2007-2011 Director-General, Department of Arms Control, MFA
2011-2016 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna
2016- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia
Married with one son.
Warren Snowden
Warren Snowdon is the Federal Labor Member for Lingiari (2001 until today) and was previously the member for Northern Territory (1987–96 and 1998–2001).
He was first elected 31 years ago and has lived in Central Australia for the last 4 years and previously worked there for periods of time for the Australian National University. Warren prior to that lived in Darwin as a high school teacher having moved there in 1976.
Warren currently holds the following positions, Assistant Shadow Minister for Indigenous Health Shadow Assistant Minister for Northern Australia, Shadow Assistant Minister for External Territories and the Shadow Assistant Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC.
Warren held numerous ministerial portfolios during the Rudd/Gillard governments. In November 2007 he was appointed as the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel. Warren filled this position until June 2009 when he was appointed Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health and Regional Services Delivery. After the 2010 election Warren was appointed the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister for Defence Science and Personnel,Minister for Indigenous Health and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on the Centenary of ANZAC.
Warren was also a Parliamentary Secretary in a number of portfolios in the Hawke and Keating governments including variously: Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport and Communications, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Environment, Sport and Territories.
He is active on Parliamentary Committees and is currently on the Joint Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade [JSCFADT], as well as being on the JSCFADT Sub Committees for Trade and Defence. Warren has been a consistent member of this committee over a long period. f. Additionally, he is the Deputy Chair of the Joint Standing Committee for Northern Australia, Deputy Chair of the House of Representative Indigenous Affairs Committee and sits on the National Capital and External Territories Committee, and the Privileges and Members Interests Committee.
Immediately prior to his first election he was the Senior Policy Officer at the Central Land Council and a university researcher at the Australian National University Centre for Resource and Environmental studies under the economist and Indigenous policy pioneer H.C. 'Nugget' Coombs.
Warren holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University and a Diploma in Education.
Professor Sue Carthew (BSc PhD)
Provost and Vice-President, Charles Darwin University
Professor Sue Carthew was appointed to the position of Provost and Vice-President in July 2016.
Previous to this Professor Carthew was the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Engineering, Health,
Science and the Environment at Charles Darwin University (2012 – 2016). Professor Carthew holds a PhD in Ecology from the University of Wollongong, and maintains research interests spanning conservation biology, mammal ecology and plant-pollinator interactions. Sue has been active in biodiversity conservation in Australia, and has played a key role in environmental decision-making and policy development through her membership of various boards and committees. She currently sits on the Board of Arid Recovery, a partnership between industry, government and University for ecosystem restoration. Professor Carthew has been successful in forging links with industry and government bodies, both in SA and elsewhere and has been awarded industry and government funding for basic and applied research from bodies such as the Australian Research Council, Wildlife Conservation Fund, State Forests of NSW, NSW National Parks and Wildlife, Boral, BHP Community Trust, Primary Industries AS and Forestry SA.
Mr Andrew Kirkman
Chief Executive
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Andrew was appointed as the Chief Executive of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and
Logistics after the Northern Territory Election in September 2016.
Prior to this, Andrew held the position of Chief Executive of the Department of Transport from
July 2015. With more than 19 years’ experience in the Northern Territory Public Sector, Andrew was
previously the Chief Executive of Darwin Waterfront Corporation, General Manager for the Land
Development Corporation and held positions as Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director in the
Department of Housing and Local Government.
Andrew has previously held key roles in the AustralAsia Railway Corporation, Department of the Chief
Minister and NT Treasury. He has worked in finance and commercial roles in the private sector, locally
in the mining industry and overseas on public private partnerships.
Andrew undertook all his education in the Northern Territory, he has tertiary and post-graduate
qualifications in commerce and business.
Martin Wu
OBORTravel is a NT based travel company. With variety networks in China, we help NT tourism operators expose their products to Chinese market, attract tourist groups and business VIPs to explore TOP END. OBORTravel also provides consulting service relating tourism real estate and investment. In June, with the inaugural flight arrived Darwin, OBORTravel has successfully catered over 100 travel industrial professionals who had wonderful experience in NT.
Vice President
Australia China Friendship Society NT(ACFS NT)
The Australia China Friendship Society is a not-for-profit organisation, run completely by volunteers. It was founded in the early 1950s to promote friendship and understanding between the people of Australia and China. It has no political affiliation.
This society has branches in each State and Territory of Australia. The NT Branch was established in 1970s.
The NT Branch holds monthly meetings covering a wide range of activities. Monthly newsletter is published on this site as well as facebook to keeps members informed of coming events and activities and provides update on topics related to Australia-China Friendship.
Nick Coyle
CEO and Executive Director Nick Coyle has spent almost 10 years in China and resided in Beijing since mid 2013. Before moving to Beijing, Nick spent time in Wuhan and Chongqing as well as two years in Shanghai developing his own business.
Nick was born in Sydney in 1979 and spend much of his time growing up overseas in Papua New Guinea and graduated from Newcastle University with a B/Economics – Banking, Finance and International Trade.
Nick started with the Chamber in July 2013 as a Government Policy Advocacy Manager before moving on the take on the CEO and Executive Director role on a permanent basis in September 2013 and has overseen terrific growth in AustCham China.