One Belt One Road in Australia
Thank you for your participation in the One Belt One Road conference in Darwin last week organised by the NT office of the Australia China Business Council. We hope you enjoyed the conference program and speakers and were able to make new business connections as well as gain an understanding of the opportunities available as a part of China’s BRI initiative.
The One Belt One Road in Australia 2018 conference main messages are as follows;
OBOR offers many opportunities for business and investment
OBOR is much more than infrastructure. Changes in e-commerce standards, tourism preferences and service delivery provide opportunities for the NT to become more engaged.
OBOR is actively seeking cooperation projects which involve innovation and research.
NT needs to be careful not to be left behind as OBOR develops. There is a danger that the ChAFTA protocols may be relegated to second place and that leaves the NT at a disadvantage
OBOR brings increased competition in our agricultural markets as other OBOR countries strive to meet OBOR standards
Investment and business proposals have a greater chance of success if they are framed within an OBOR framework.
The Donghai direct flight connection improve investment prospects because its more convenient to visit the NT.
The Northern Territory Government will soon lead a business delegation to China. This will be an opportunity for delegates to continue contact and further develop co-operation. The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) will keep you advised of developments.
Thank you to all conference sponsors, supporters and speakers who contributed to the success of the conference.
For speaker presentations click here