Our conference in 2025 will feature ancillary events that complement the main program and theme. These additional activities will take place from Saturday, April 5th to Saturday, April 12th, 2025. We aim to showcase a variety of Innovative Agribusinesses in Northern Australia and the committee is diligently working to organize a range of ancillary events to enhance the overall experience.
If you're interested in hosting an ancillary event, please reach out to Tahna Jackson at 0409357211 or foodfutures@ntfarmers.org.au.
We will be adding events in the coming months, so please check back.
7 April 2025 |
Cotton and Maize Variety Field DayHosted by: Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD), HSR Seeds, Bayer and Hayne Family, Douglas Station When: 7 April 2025 Where: Douglas Station, Douglas Daly Cost: FREE for 2025 NAFF Conference attendees About: Join Tony & Michelle Hayne from Douglas Station in the Douglas Daly, where they cultivate rain-fed cotton and work with maize varieties for silage production. Lunch will be provided. What to bring: A hat, water bottle and clothing and footwear suitable for the outdoors. Register: Registration is essential, even if you are a local driving to the station, for catering purposes. Contact: for more information, please contact Alex Roughley, Cotton Seed Distributors (CSD), Extension & Development Agronomist aroughley@csd.net.au 0428998052 |
7 April 2025 |
Kakadu Blue Exclusive TourHosted by: Kakadu Blue When: 7 April 2025, 9.30am - 11.00am and 11.30am - 1.00pm Where: 19 Mander Road, Holtze Cost: $25 About: Step into the world of Kakadu Blue, the sole producer of Australian Blue Cypress oil, and experience the unique journey of this remarkable product. As part of the Northern Australia Food Futures Conference 2025, this exclusive tour showcases the sustainable and innovative practices behind our premium oils. Discover how we transform the iconic Blue Cypress tree into world-class products through a meticulous process of harvesting, distillation, and production. Gain insights into the science of our oil’s unique compounds and the advanced technology that drives our operations. End your visit at our storefront, where you can explore our range of products and take home the essence of Kakadu Blue. Requirements: Closed-toe shoes are mandatory. Register: Bookings essential Contact: for more information, please contact HELLO@kakadublue.com.au |
7 April 2025 |
Biosecurity RoundtableHosted by: The Northern Territory Livestock Exporters Association Inc (NTLEA) When: 7 April 2025, 12.00 - 2.00pm Where: NADO, 76 The Esplanade, DARWIN NT Cost: Free of charge Presenters: Rob Williams, NT Chief Veterinary Officers; Will Evans, CEO NTCA; and Patrick Moran, CEO NTLEA About: This will be a good opportunity for agriculture producers to receive and update from the NT CVO on current and emerging biosecurity threats to everything from horticulture to cotton, cattle and livestock. The presentation will be free-form allowing audience members to ask questions directly to the CVO and presenters. Refreshments will be served during and after the event. Register: No need to register, simply bring yourself and your questions Contact: ceo@ntlea.com |
7 April 2025 |
Essential Methods of Communications: Stickers, Signage and the Supply ChainHosted by: Colemans Ink When: 7 April 2025, 3.00pm - 4.00pm Where: 86 Cavenagh Street, Darwin Cost: FREE for 2025 NAFF Conference attendees Presenters: Eco Specialists About: Please join Colemans on a 1-hour tour of the Colemans Printing and Signage one-stop shop for digital and offset printing in Darwin. From shopfront signage to promotional flyers, our solutions support local businesses. Driven by innovation and dedicated to environmentally-friendly practices, Colemans Printing is committed to making a positive difference with high-quality printing solutions. For more information please email magadline@colemanprint.com.au |
8 April 2025 |
Northern Territory Farmers Association Members Networking BreakfastWhen: Tuesday, 8 April 2025, 7.00am – 8.00am Where: Darwin Convention Centre, Halls Concourse, Level 1 Cost: FREE to NT Farmers Association Members About: Come enjoy a networking breakfast with the NT Farmers board. The Northern Territory Farmers Association represents and advocates for the plant-based industries of the NT. As a peak industry body, NT Farmers promotes agricultural development in the Northern Territory and directly assists growers with a comprehensive range of support services. NT Farmers is a not-for-profit association that receives project funding from the public and private sector. The association was formed in 2012 as a result of an amalgamation between the Northern Territory Agricultural and Horticultural Associations. Want to become a member? Click Here Bookings
essential, only available to financial NT Farmers members For more information please contact Andrew Bourne, Deputy CEO, NT Farmers |
8 April 2025 | Young Farmers Networking BreakfastWhen: Tuesday, 8 April 2025, 7.00am - 8.00am Where: Darwin Convention Centre, Waterfront 3, Level 2 Cost: $33 About: Please note this function is for 35 yrs or younger. Young Farmers Networking Breakfast, where our future agricultural leaders will have the opportunity to engage with a guest speaker and forge valuable connections while enjoying a scrumptious breakfast.
For more information please email foodfutures@ntfarmers.org.au |
9 April 2025 | Northern Livestock & Aquaculture in 2050 BreakfastHosted by: CSIRO When: Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 7.15am – 8.15am Where: Darwin Convention Centre, Waterfront Room 3 Cost: FREE for 2025 NAFF Conference attendees About: What does farming looking like in 2050? Can Australia align water, crops, livestock, aquaculture, genetics, machinery, energy, labour, capital, technology and sustainability to optimise food and fibre production? Without a crystal ball, we rely on our understanding of the past, present and emerging drivers to position agriculture for step-change innovation and production. There's a need – and thus an opportunity – to create a long-term vision of what farming businesses and communities might look like so the agricultural industry can drive progress towards the future. Please join CSIRO and participate in ‘Envisioning Northern Australia livestock and Aquaculture Within The Ag2050 Scenarios’ |
10 April 2025 |
Instagram tour, Territory styleHosted by: The CRC for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) When: Thursday, 10 April 2025, 7.30am - 11.30am (4 hours) Where: Pick up and drop off – Austin Lane (near Charlie’s entrance), Darwin CBD Cost: $33 includes refreshments and snacks About: Join the CRCNA for an Instagram worthy tour around the Darwin region visiting iconic territory produce and locations. You’ll get to hang out with cattle, buffalo, crocodile, try some tropical horticulture and seafood, plus meet the characters who bring CRCNA research to life. This 4 hour bus tour is limited to 20 people, so get in quick to enjoy a fun day - Territory style and spice up your social media channel! Register: for the tour here or via CRCNA What to bring: Your camera (phone is fine), a hat, sunnies, water bottle and clothing and footwear suitable for the outdoors. Contact: enquiry@crcna.com.au | follow the CRCNA on Instagram @CRC_NorthernAustralia |
10 April 2025 |
Coastal Plain Research Farm Field DayJoin the NT Government’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Agriculture Division) to learn about their latest research and development projects. When: Thursday, 10 April 2025, 8.30am - 11.00am Where: 350 Anzac Parade Middle Point (65km south-east of Darwin. Near Adelaide River and Fogg Dam off the Arnhem Highway) Cost: Free for attendees. Morning tea provided. Bookings essential. For more information email Plant.Industries@nt.gov.au |
10 April 2025 |
Berrimah Farm Science Precinct Guided TourJoin the NT Government’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Agriculture Division) to learn about their latest research and development projects. When: Thursday, 10 April 2025, 2.00pm - 3.30pm Where: 25 Makagon Road, Berrimah NT 0828 Cost: Free for attendees. Afternoon tea provided. Bookings essential. For more information email Plant.Industries@nt.gov.au |
12 April 2025 |
Visit the Rapid Creek Markets Vegetable GrowersHosted by: Northern Territory Farmers Association When: Saturday, 12 April 2025, 9am and 10am Two Tours offered Where: Meet at 48 Trower Rd, Rapid Creek Cost: FREE for 2025 NAFF Conference attendees About: RAPID CREEK MARKETS, is Darwin's Oldest Market. Located in the heart of the northern suburbs, about 10km from Darwin CBD, the Rapid Creek Markets are open from 7am – 2pm every Saturday and Sunday – rain, hail or shine. Transforming the Rapid Creek Business Village into a bustling slice of Asia, the market delivers a vibrant experience of bright colours, rich aromas and exciting sounds. With more than 100 market stalls and stores, there’s plenty for you to see, do and discover! You can explore (and taste) an amazing array of organic and tropical produce, including Asian fruits and vegetables such as durian, purple dragon fruit, pandan leaf and drumstick pods.
For more information please email foodfutures@ntfarmers.org.au |
5-12 April 2025 |
Visit the award winning RFDS Darwin Tourist FacilityWhen: Any day from 5 - 12 April 2025, Facility open 9am - 5pm (last entry 4pm) Where: 45 Stokes Hill Road, Darwin NT Cost: receive a 10% discount on tickets. Book online using the code or present your conference lanyard after the conference. About: Two Iconic Territory Stories One Iconic Location. Experience and learn through the wonder of technology as the Royal Flying Doctor Service Darwin Tourist Facility brings history to life The Royal Flying Doctor Service: Using the latest innovations in holographic technology, the life size hologram cinema experience tells the story of Rev John Flynn's vision and its realisation into the RFDS of today. Climb aboard a decommissioned RFDS Pilatus PC-12 aircraft completely aero-medically equipped and learn about the activities of the RFDS's pilots, engineers, doctors, nurses and the experiences of the patients that are carried and cared for each day. The Bombing of Darwin Harbour: The second iconic story featured is the Bombing of Darwin on 19th February 1942. The bombing of the harbour brought destruction to the city of Darwin, and many of the stories have been brought to life through our innovative technology. This exciting world-class exhibit features cutting edge technology - a hologram cinema experience telling the story of Etheridge Grant, virtual reality and a projection window of the Japanese air attack on the harbour. For more information, please visit the website www.rfdsdarwin.com.au |
Proudly Hosted by:foodfutures@ntfarmers.org.au