travel & accommodation

Northern Territory PHN is committed to the ongoing support of health professionals living in remote areas. Remote delegates can apply for funding to support their travel and accommodation costs to enable them to attend Compass 2021 for a full two days of learning, development and networking. 


Remote NT primary health care professionals may be eligible for a grant of up to two nights' accommodation to attend Compass 2021. Remoteness is classified using the Modified Monash Model (MMM). Delegates living in areas outside of Darwin and Palmerston classified MMM 3-7 are remote. 


Eligible delegates (non-government employees) are also invited to apply for a bursary to cover their travel costs to attend Compass 2021. 

Please note: Delegates must apply for the bursary before undertaking the educational activities (including travel) that they would like to claim. Activities undertaken prior to an application approval are not eligible for payment.