2023 KPCA Conference website

KPCA 2023 GenOFFGRID Conference

12-13 October 2023, Broome Civic Centre, Western Australia

The Kimberley Pilbara Cattlemen's Association (KPCA) is a non-profit organisation representing the Northern Beef Industry of WA. The KPCA is the peak industry body to address issues affecting pastoralists in the Northern Beef Industry in WA. Its mission is to represent and promote the collective interests of the industry throughout the WA region, extending to policy. The conference is the main event held each year to do this & the program is tailored to reflect the most important issues, both current and long term. An emphasis on interactive sessions will be a focus this year.

Platinum Sponsor

GenOffGrid is the Platinum Sponsor for the 2023 Conference. Supporters of KPCA since 2018, GenOffGrid specialise in solar and off-grid energy solutions for Northern Australia. Established in Broome, Darwin and Karratha, GenOffGrid locally design, build, install and support systems, economically replacing your diesel usage by 90%. To find out more information about GenOffGrid click here.

How to get involved


Join other beef producers, industry members, government professionals and key stakeholders from across northern Australia.

Sponsor & Exhibit

Get involved in supporting and empowering the community and build a resilient, profitable and sustainable northern beef industry.

Suggest a Speaker

Fill the EOI form to suggest a speaker to the KPCA 2023 GenOffGrid Conference Committee

Become a Speaker

Have something to share with the conference?
Fill the EOI form to indicate you'd like to be a speaker!


AA&P Events
+61 (0) 8 8942 33 88


The KPCA is a not for profit industry development and advocacy body that represents a diverse range of producers with, on a cumulative basis, significant pastoral land holdings across the Kimberley and Pilbara and into the Gascoyne region of WA. The membership base is also inclusive of Aboriginal producers and a number of related businesses servicing the industry.


Website:   kpca.net.au